Living and growing Goal:

Main Memory of Story:

My Drive and who I am:

The Fight!

The Technology and keys:

Thoughts on Memory:

Order of Operations:

Note to Self:

As soon as I could get a paper and pen in this D0a body after waking from a coma I wrote this to myself:

It Reads:

“Tales of life, death and an endless search thru multiple dimensions of time and space to get back to the life and family that once was known and I loved. Once traveling through these lands, mysteries, dimensions and fighting some of these evils, you will come back a different person, hopefully a better one. Get lost in this story, at times you will be lost, scared, ?????, confused, and not know how it all connects, but that’s the journey. I do promise it has a beginning and end that is cohesive even though the rest may seem like a waking fever dream.”

Then I followed up after I translated with:

“So, I am doing just that and documenting what I saw and experienced in hopes that it can benefit humanity with hope, heart, drive, and maybe some ideas on therapy and technology that I will help show through words.”